2013 Design for a Difference

In August 2013 we learned that Deanna had been selected as the South Central Regional winner for Design for a Difference, an International Design Guild contest. Since that announcement, there has been a whirlwind of planning, travel, shopping, decorating, and filming of the grand prize winner’s charity of choice, Transitions Living Center located in Spokane, Washington. In addition to the grand prize project, a local effort to revitalize Deanna’s charity of choice, Dalton’s Food Pantry, located in Indianapolis was also underway. Fortunately there was a film crew to catch Deanna at work. It’s clear that Deanna is passionate when she says she enjoys helping others. Her enthusiasm has turned a small flooring allowance in to something much greater and it continues to gain momentum.

The Spokane project.

Deanna explains her local project with Dalton’s Food Pantry.

What’s next for Design for a Difference.

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